Area Rug Cleaning

Area rugs are a great way to add color to any room in your home. However, if you have an old rug that is starting to show its age or you just want a fresh new look for your space, it may be time for a change. Carpet Cleaner Baytown, TX is a professional carpet cleaning company that has been providing area rug cleaning services for years. Our cleaners are all skilled professionals who have had extensive training to ensure that your rugs are cleaned properly and without any damage or spots. We also offer other services such as air ducts, water damage restoration, upholstery protection, and more. If you need help deciding what’s best for your needs – contact us today!

What Are Area Rugs?

Area rugs are square or rectangular, with a thicker pile than other carpet types. Commonly made from wool, synthetic fiber, and cotton.

What Is Area Rug Cleaning?

Area rug cleaning is a deep clean for even the dirtiest rugs. We use hot water extraction to remove all of the excess debris from your area rugs, which can be up to 50% soil after years of build-up and exposure to foot traffic. The process also helps rejuvenate fibers and the colors of your rug.

What Is Oriental Rug Cleaning?

Oriental rugs are more delicate than other types of area rug cleaning. Commonly made from silk or wool, oriental rugs come in a variety of styles and colors that can add flair to any room. However, they require special care when it comes time for deep cleaning.

Why Should I Clean My Area Rug?

Cleaning your area rug is essential to keep it looking clean, fresh, and new for years to come. A dirty rug can lead to unsightly pet stains that are difficult to remove. It’s also important to get your rugs cleaned regularly because they act as a filter – trapping dust, dirt, hair, and allergens right in the middle of your living space! Here are the major reasons why you should clean your area rug:

Get Rid of Harmful Allergens And Bacteria

Area rugs are a breeding ground for dirt, dust mites, and bacteria. By cleaning your area rug frequently – you can help reduce the number of microorganisms that cause allergies in people who have sensitivities to certain types of particles found in household environments.

Extend The Life Of Your Area Rug

Regularly getting your rugs cleaned helps extend the life of your rugs. By removing all dirt and contaminants from these textures, they can remain beautiful for years to come!

Save Money and Keep Your Home’s Style

It’s expensive to replace your rugs, so why not invest in cleaning them instead? Not only will you save money by maintaining the beauty of your area rugs – but it also helps keep their style and color fresh.

Protect Your House Floors.

You should always use area rug protectors under your rugs to prevent slipping and damage. Professional rug cleaning services can remove dirt, dust, stains – all of which are bad for the health of your floors! The cleaner they are when you put them down – the healthier (and longer-lasting) your flooring will be.

What Can Be Done to Restore an Old Area Rug?

There isn’t much that can be done, in terms of restoring a worn-out and old area rug. This is why it’s important to get them cleaned regularly with warm water- so you don’t have any damage caused by mold or mildew. 

How Often Should You Clean Your Area Rug?

This varies depending on where the rug flat is located, who uses it most often, and how much foot traffic it gets. The more you use your carpet rugs – especially in high-traffic areas like living rooms or kitchens – the sooner they should be cleaned to avoid hazards for people walking on them! For example: area rugs used in children’s rooms should be cleaned at least once a week, whereas living room rugs can go up to two weeks before they need to be deep-cleaned.

What Is the Cost of Professional Area Rug Cleaning?

The cost will vary depending on your area rug and what type of cleaning process you decide is best for it (steam or dry). Our furniture cleaners recommend getting your rugs cleaned once every six months to keep them looking fresh and new. Generally speaking, oriental rug cleaning is more expensive than other types because they’re made from silk and wool – two very delicate materials that need to be handled with special attention during deep cleaning!

Who Can Benefit From Area Rug Cleaning?

Area rug cleaning is beneficial for everyone! Whether you have children, pets, or are just looking to give your rugs and fibers a professional carpet cleaning – all types of area rugs can be cleaned using our special methods!

Are You Ready to Schedule Your Area Rug Cleaning?

If you are ready for a fresh new rug, call Carpet Cleaner Baytown, TX today! We offer free estimate and same-day service so there’s no need to wait around for your carpets to be cleaned. Contact us now at +123-4567-890 to get a free quote and schedule your service today!